Public Data Dashboard

At the top level, the dashboard displays five key metrics for the institution: Total Students, Credit-Bearing Students, Course Enrollments, FTE, and Pass Rate. Each of these metrics has an information icon (i) that provides additional context when clicked.

The left side of the dashboard contains filtering options organized into three main categories:


  • Academic Year
  • Semester
  • Part of Term


  • Location
  • Modality
  • Department and Course

Student Type:

  • Student Type
  • Enrollment Status
  • Academic Program & Academic Plan

There's also a "Clear All Filters" button at the bottom of the filtering panel to reset all selections.

The central area features a bar chart showing enrollment trends across terms. This visualization helps track enrollment patterns throughout the academic year.

Below the main visualization, the dashboard presents three detailed data tables:

  1. A breakdown by Race, showing Students, Course Enrollments, and FTE for different racial categories
  2. An Ethnicity table separating Hispanic and Non-Hispanic demographics
  3. An Age Group analysis that segments the student population into different age ranges


On the right side, there's a visualization showing gender distribution.  Additionally, there is a tree map that displays the proportion of enrollment by academic program.

Page two of the report has program specific enrollment information, with the same filters as page one.

To effectively use this dashboard, you can:

  1. Start with the high-level metrics at the top for a quick overview
  2. Use the filters on the left to focus on specific time periods or segments
  3. Examine the term-by-term enrollment trends in the central chart
  4. Dive deeper into demographic breakdowns using the detailed tables below
  5. Compare gender distribution using the visualization on the right